When it comes to getting what I want, when I want it from my wonderful, sexy, stud-muffin of a husband, I'm a pro. Jake literally just can't say no. Ok that's a lie he can but if I want it bad enough I know how to get through some "loop holes"
In comes OLIVE my wee little PEKA A TZU
I had a bad week and I was missing Harry Man so desperately. (Harry went to a new home after the "black summer of 2011") I asked Jake if we could go to a "puppy" store just so I could hold a puppy and have it give me kisses and also go to the movie theater across the street to see a movie. I even went as far as looking up movie times so he wouldn't think I would ask to bring one home. After he agreed, I suggested we meet up with his sister at a little spot called Beefs where beer is on tap at $2.00 a glass (the big one). Yes my friends I stooped to that level, I got my husband drunk and then let him buy me a puppy even went as far as making him think that buying the puppy was his idea. HAHA Go ahead and call me conniving and manipulative because in this situation I was both and I dont regret it one little bit! In the end sloshed or not sloshed we love out little peka a tzu even though for the first time in two weeks she crapped on my floor (right after I bragged to Tonya about how AMAZING she was doing on potty training)