For anybody who really knows me and my past they know that running used to be a HUGE part of my life. I would run when I was happy, sad, angry, confused, or for no reason at all. I ran because for that 30-45 minutes it was just me and nobody else. It was an escape for me. I ran cross country in the fall to train for track in the spring. My dream was to run in college. By sophomore year I was captain of our varsity team in track. That summer we moved to Washington state and when I went to try out for cross country in the fall, they tried to tell me I had to run jv even though I was three minutes faster than their fastest varsity runner. After that I quit what I had loved so much and focused on boys.
Now 5 years later I am a mom and a wife and you loose yourself in those roles. To people around here I am Norman and Debbie's daughter, Jake's girlfriend (now wife) and Kenzies mom. I have decided I need to do something selfish and just for me. I am going to run a half marathon. I used to love running so much and it was something that I excelled in. I ran the other night for the first time since the wedding and I thought I was going to die but that next morning I felt better about myself. I'm excited to do this, I'm excited to get the butterflys right before the race, and I'm excited to hear the gun go off and start running, but I'm most excited for the feeling I get after I cross the finish line and knowing that I did it all by myself.
1 week ago
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