Kenzie turned 16 months on the 24 and I am literally about to pull my hair out. If the terrible two are any worse than this I promise I will be put into the crazy house shortly after!
Kenzie LOVES the taste of tylenol seriously its like her favorite thing in the world. Its not like I give it to her on a regular basis but when she is sick or teething (which has been my past few weeks) that stuff is my little miracle worker. Anyways so I keep all her meds, teething tablets, creams, lotions and brushes in a box on a shelf of her changing table. Today we were playing in her room and she realized thats where the beloved tylenol was hidden so she picks it up and brings it to me. I was laying on the floor on my stomach and my head was resting on my head so Kenzie took my hand and put her tylenol in it saying "more more". This was really funny to me so I laughed told her she didn't need it and put it away. She was not happy with my answer so she got it again and brought it to me this time screaming "MORE MORE" at me. I look at her and firmly said Kenzie NO your not in pain. Two seconds later my little angel child ran full force towards her CLOSED door and ran smack into it causing her fly backwards onto her butt. She then threw herself in a very dramatic fashion onto the floor screaming her little head off. This would have been very funny to me if I didn't have a splitting headache so I went upstairs handed her off to Grandpa and said "seriously do something with her I am about to loose it" I guess it was the icing on my cake today. I called Jake told him to come home from work because I was done with being a mom today.
It seems like all my child ever does anymore is throw these tantrums. Its not like Jake and I over spoil her (she is pretty spoiled but come on she is my first baby and the first grandchild for my parents with whom we live with) My friend keeps telling me that this age was the hardest age for her and that when Luke learned to talk everything got 50 time easier. I feel bad for her I know she is just trying to communicate but there is only so much I can take.
OK now everybody leave comments on how you get frustrated with your children too so I don't feel like I deserve the worst Mommy of the week award! HAHA
On a happier note....Jake and I are putting an offer on a house so everybody please please pray and cross your fingers that we get it. Its so perfect for us but im not gonna go into detail about it until its a for sure thing! Then there will be tons and picctures and details!!!
1 week ago