Thursday, January 1, 2009


Christmas was not as horrible as I thought it was going to be. It actually was very stress free. Our Christmas started on Christmas Eve morning at Jake's moms house. We went over and opened presents and then ate a very yummy breakfast. It was lots of fun, his grandparents were there as well as her sister, her boyfriend and her two kids.

That night we went to PF Changs for dinner with my family. This was is my favorite place in the whole world. My Dad ordered ordered the whole menu times two (not really but pretty close) and the food was to die for. Our waiter on the other hand was not but oh well who really wants to work on Christmas Eve anyway. After dinner we went back home to put Kenz to bed but first we opened up our Christmas. We will not do it like that next year because of Santa of course but Jake and I felt like it didn't matter this year. Jake's stepmom who I love dearly got Kenzie this beautiful tea set and this mermaid doll that I fell in love with but Jake said it was not worth as much as it cost. (Betty understands my taste for amazing things and didn't want Kenzie to miss out on this doll).

On Christmas morning we went to my parents house to open up presents. Dad's must have done something amazing at work because all of us were over the top spoiled. Jake and I needed clothes badly so we got tons and tons of clothes and Kenzie got so many toys. My brother Michael and sister-in-law Marilyn came down and my sister also was home so it was really cool to all be together. After breakfast Kenzie and I took a nap then we went to Jake's Grandparents for lunch. It was so fun to visit with everyone. His grandparents are good ol' southerners so I feel right at home. After that we went back home to put all of our presents away and take another nap. Kenzie was tired.

For dinner we went his other Grandparents house and ate more food opened more presents then went home.
The next morning I woke up sick as a dog. From Friday to Wednesday I could not keep anything down. It was horrible but on Thursday I woke up craving a crazy taco from La Cazeula (I have no idea how to spell it). I have no idea how many times I was asked if I was pregnant but just so I am clear NO I AM NOT PREGNANT!!! My poor little grandma was like the 50 person to ask me one day and I went off asking her in she wanted to see the proof I was on my period. She kindly declined while saying she was sorry. I felt so horrible. Now Jake is sick but he just has sinus issues. Kenzie had her 6 month check up. She is 27 inches long (she is in 75th percent for height) and 15.2 lbs. She also got shots and this time she was a champ. She cried for like two seconds and then was laughing again. Her doctor is so cute always saying she has never seen a happier baby. I truly was blessed Kenzie is amazing always smiling and laughing she only cries as a last resort to something.
For New Years Jake and I stayed home put the baby to bed, watched a movie then were in bed asleep by 9:30! I feel so old but the holidays made me exhausted!
I hope everybody had a great christmas and new year. I'm so exicted for the start of 2009 its going to be an amazing year for my little family.


MacSterS said...

My New Year's was about the same with sleeping- having a baby really drains you. Sounds like you had a fun time with fam! Happy New Year!

Shane and Jessie Hayes said...

loved the pics...glad you had a good Christmas and New Years! Haha you went to bed earlier then I did! Love you lady!